Gnaughty is a program to automatically download adult sex content, i.e. porn movies and pictures, from a known internet porn directory.
Providing a friendly interface, users who feel like having some porn can have it served fastly and directly to their desktop.

- No spyware, no adware
- Free software, provided under the GPL license
- Wide variaty of porn categories
- Fast parallel downloads (you can configure number of concurrent downloads)
- Automatically organize content in subfolders
- Launch downloaded content right from gnaughty
- Proxy support
- Many more...

- Source tarball: gnaughty-1.2.5.tar.gz (143KB)
- See Release Notes for changes in new version.
- Debian/Ubuntu packages:
- gnaughty_1.2.5ppa_i386.deb (52.7 KB)
- gnaughty_1.2.5ppa_amd64.deb (55.7 KB)
- Or add our PPA repository into your APT sources.list
- Gentoo Linux: EBUILD
- Archlinux: PKGBUILD
- RPM packages:
- You can find Fedora RPMS on this site and this site
- Also find OpenSuse RPMS on this site
- For other rpmbased distributions, please use this srpm or spec and build it yourself
- You can also find old releases, screenshots, etc, in the old website or in gnaughty project's page

The project has recovered from a stalling period, no big features are
planned, but any kind of feedback, suggestion or contribution is more than welcome,
for example to better integrate Gnaughty into GNOME.
You can contact me at the email address.